- The Sporting Group with 28 breeds
- The Hound Group with 25 breeds
- The Working Group with 28 breeds
- The Terrier Group with 27 breeds
- The Toy Group with 20 breeds
- The Non-Sporting Group with 19 breeds
- The Herding Group with 24 breeds
Each breed has a unique history, temperament, and appearance. In order to make it more organized, I will tell you about the different breeds of one of the groups in each blog. Today I would like to start with the Sporting Group and its members.
Water Spaniel
History: The Water Spaniel is a rare breed that originated in the Great Lake Region of the U.S. in the mid 1800s. They were bred for their excellent retrieving ability and as a companion. They are often used as hunting dogs during hunts from boats or canoes.
Temperament: Water Spaniels are excellent hunting and family dogs. They are very eager to please and respond well to obedience training. They are controllable in the field and need lots of exercise. The coat requires regular brushing.
Appearance: It's a muscular, medium size dog with a curly coat. They weigh between 25 and 45 pounds and are slightly longer than tall. The head is of moderate length. The eyes are medium size with tight lids. The ears are long and droopy. The muzzle is of moderate length and square. The legs are of medium length and muscular.The tail is moderately long and tapered. The coat is curly with a thick undercoat.
Colors: The Water Spaniel comes in solid liver, brown, or chocolate. They can have a little white on the toes and the chest.
Boykin Spaniel
History: The Boykin Spaniel originated in the early 1900s. A Mr. Boykin found a small stray dog near a church in Spartanburg, South Carolina. He soon discovered that the dog developed into an excellent water foul retriever and was also small enough so he could lift both, dog and duck back into the boat at the same time.
Temperament: It is a very active dog with lots of stamina. They thrive on companionship and enjoy the company of children and other dogs. With lots of energy and easy to control in the field, they make excellent hunting dogs. Their coat requires only minimal maintenance.
History: The Brittany was named after the French province where it originated in the early 1900s. They used to be called Brittany Spaniels but since their hunting style is closer to that of a Pointer rather than Spaniel, they changed the name to just Brittany.
Temperament: Brittanys are strong, quick, and agile. They require a lot of exercise. These dogs are a happy and alert breed with a willing attitude. The coat needs minimal maintenance.
Appearance: This is a mid size dog, weighing between 30 and 40 pounds. The body length is equal to its heights with long and light-boned legs. The head is medium length and rounded with a medium long, tapered muzzle. The eyes are well set inside the head and protected by a heavy eye brow. The ears are set high, short, flat, triangular, and close to the head. The tail is docked at 4 inches. Their coat is either flat or wavy with feathering on the legs.
Color: They come in either orange and white or liver and white.
Chesapeake Bay Retriever
History: As the name states, they originated along the Chesapeake Bay in 1807. It was a crossbreed between a Newfoundland, rescued from a shipwreck, and a Retriever. They originally hunted waterfowl in rough and icy waters, sometimes retrieving over 100 birds per day.
Temperament: They are a happy and intelligent breed with lots of courage and working ability. They love the water and are best suited for outdoorsy kind of people.
Appearance: They are a well-balanced and powerfully-build breed of moderate size, weighing between 65 and 80 pounds. The chest is deep and wide and the head is broad and rounded with a tapered muzzle in the same length as the skull. The eyes are very clear and amber in color. The ears are small, triangular, and hanging loosely. The legs are medium size and straight. The tail is of medium length, heavy at the base, and straight. The coat is thick and short with a woolly undercoat. The undercoat is protected by water resistant oils.
Color: Any color of brown.
Clumber Spaniel
History: Clumber Spaniels originated during the 18th century in France. It is a crossbreed between a Basset Hound and an Alpine Spaniel. They were bred as hunting dogs.
Temperament: They are playful, loving, and make very good family dogs. Although not very speedy, they can work all day. A drawback is that they slobber and drool a lot.
Appearance: The body is substantial, long, and low with a deep chest. They weigh between 60 and 80 pounds. The head is massive with a broad and deep muzzle. The eyes are large and dark amber in color. The ears are broad, triangular, and have a round edge. Their legs are short and heavy. The tail can be left natural or docked. The coat is dense, straight, and flat with feathering on ears, legs, chest, and belly.
Colors: They come in solid white but can have lemon or orange markings.
Cocker Spaniel
History: The Cocker Spaniel has been around since the 14th century and is now the most popular breed. It is also the smallest of all the Spaniels.
Temperament: Cockers are well balanced, possess great speed and endurance, and are very intelligent. They are a gentle breed, loving their family and needing lots of exercise. Their coat needs daily brushing and clipping about every other month.
Appearance: The Cocker Spaniel is the smallest member of the Sporting Group, weighing between 20 and 30 pounds. They have a sturdy and compact body with muscular legs. The head is well refined and rounded with a broad and deep muzzle. The eyes are round, full, and dark brown. The lids can be droopy at times. The ears are lobular and long, reaching the nose when pulled forward. The tail is docked and very active. The coat is of medium length, silky, and flat to slightly wavy with a woolly undercoat.
Colors: Cockers come either as solids such as black, tan, cream, red, or brown, parti-color with two well broken colors, or in tan points which have to be less than 10%.
Curly Coated Retriever
History: This is the oldest Retriever breed. It is a crossbreed between an English Water Spaniel and a Newfoundland or Poodle. They were bred to retrieve waterfowl.
Temperament: They are courageous, energetic, intelligent and have great perseverance. At times they can appear a little aloof. Being a highly energetic breed, they need lots of exercise.
Appearance: They are a sturdy but elegant breed with a body slightly longer than tall. The head is longer than wide with a wedge-shaped muzzle. The eyes are almond-shaped and the ears are small and hanging close to the head. The legs are long and muscular and the tail is long and straight. The coat is short and thick with small, tight curls that are water resistant.
Colors: They come in black or liver.
English Cocker Spaniel
History: Despite the name, they originated in Spain and became a separate breed in 1946.
Temperament: They are very affectionate and highly trainable. Not only do they make good family dogs but they are also tough workers. The tail wags non-stop and they need lots of exercise. The coat needs a good amount of care.
Appearance: English Cocker Spaniels have a compact build, weighing between 25 and 35 pounds. They are slightly higher than long and have a deep chest. The head is strong with soft contours and the muzzle is as long as the skull. The eyes are medium size, oval, and dark brown. The ears hang low from the head, covered with silky hair and when pulled forward, cover the nose. The legs are strong and muscular and the tail is docked. The coat is of medium length, silky, and flat to wavy with feathering on ears, legs, chest, and sides.
Colors: The come in solid colors such as black, tan, liver, red, and in parti-color.
English Setter
History: They originated over 400 years ago in England. Before hunters were using guns, the Setters would find the bird and crouch down so the hunter could throw a net over the bird.
Temperament: They are a gentle and affectionate breed. Being athletic and very energetic, the English Setter needs lots of exercise. They love people and make good family dogs. However, the coat needs lots of care.
Appearance: Their body is long and elegant with a deep chest. The head is long and lean with an oval skull and a long and square muzzle. The eyes are large, round, and dark brown. The ears are of moderate length, slightly rounded with silky hair, and hanging close to the head. The legs are elegant and symmetrical. The tail is not docked and is a smooth continuation of the topline. The coat is flat and straight with feathering on the legs, abdomen, chest, and tail.
Colors: The ground color is white with either orange, black, lemon, or liver markings.
English Springer Spaniel
History: The English Springer Spaniels were the large litter mates of Cocker Spaniels. In 1902 they started separating the puppies by size and from then on, the English Springer Spaniel was made into a separate breed.
Temperament: They are cheerful and affectionate dogs that love their owner. Eager to please and quick to learn, the English Springer Spaniel makes a highly trainable dog. However, they do need lots of exercise and their coat needs lots of care.
Appearance: Weighing between 40 and 50 pounds, they have a compact body, build for endurance. The head is long with a medium length muzzle. The eyes are medium size, oval, and brown in color. The ears are long, wide, hang close to the head, and when pulled forward, cover the nose.Their legs are well developed and muscular and the tail is docked. The coat is medium length, flat to wavy, and has a woolly undercoat.
Colors: The come in black or liver with white markings.
Field Spaniel
History: The Field Spaniel originated from England in the mid 1800s. They were bred for retrieving fur and feather from land and water. They became a separate breed in the 20th century. Before that, as with the Springer Spaniel, the dogs over 25 pounds were considered Field Spaniel and the dogs under 25 pounds were considered Cocker Spaniel.
Temperament: They are a little docile and at first seem a bit shy but warm up quickly. Nevertheless, they make a fun companion and they like to participate in everything the family is doing. They do need their daily walks but the coat does not require as much care as some of the other Spaniels.
Appearance: They have a well-balanced and medium build. Their body is muscular and slightly longer than tall. The head is wedge-shaped with a strong, long, and lean muzzle. The eyes are almond-shaped and hazel or brown. The ears, moderately long and wide, are hanging close to the head. The legs are strong and well-boned. The tail is docked. Their coat is short, silky and flat with feathering on the ears, legs, sides, and chest.
Colors: They come in self colors as black, liver, and gold as well as bi-colors.
Flat Coated Retriever
History: This is a crossbreed between a Newfoundland and a Spaniel. They used to be known as a fisherman's dog but are now considered hunting dogs.
Temperament: They are cheerful and good humored, need lots of exercise, and their coat needs minimal care.
Appearance: Their body is strong and muscular with a deep chest and longer than tall. The head is long, strong, and rounded with a strong and long muzzle. The eyes are wide set, medium size, and brown. The ears are small and lying close to the head. The legs are long and powerful. The tail is of medium length, straight, and feathered. The coat is of moderate length and density, flat, and feathered on ears, legs, sides, and tail.
Colors: They come in solid black or solid liver color.
German Shorthaired Pointer
History: As the name states, they originated in Germany and were used for hunting, to be specific, to point out the game to the hunter.
Temperament: They possess an even temperament, are intelligent, and loyal. They are best suited for an active family because they need constant exercise.
Appearance: Their body is of medium size with a deep chest and weighing 55 to 70 pounds. The head is clean-cut with a long and pointing muzzle. The eyes are almond-shaped and brown. The ears are broad, lie flat, and reach the corner of the mouth. Their legs are muscular and long and their tail is set high, firm, and docked. The coat is short and thick.
Colors: They come in solid liver or a combination of liver and white.
German Wirehaired Pointer
History: They originated in Germany and are a crossbreed between a Pointer and a Poodle. The purpose for this crossbreed was the wiry and water repellent coat. They were used to point out and retrieve during the hunt.
Temperament: They are loyal, affectionate, and bond closely. They require lots of exercise or they will get themself into trouble by rearanging the house. Their coat does not require much care but they do shed a lot.
Appearance: Their body is well musceled and of medium size, build for endurance and agility. The head is moderatly long with a fairly long muzzle. The eyes are medium size, oval, and brown. The ears are rounded and close to the head. The legs are muscular, straight, and flat. The tail is docked, set high, and pointing in a straight line with the back. Their coat is wiry with a water-repellent and weather-resistant undercoat.
Colors: They come in liver color with white markings.
Golden Retriever
History: They originated from the Scottish Highlands in the late 1800s and were bred for hunting.
Temperament: They are active, energetic, and friendly. Because they are eager to please and highly trainable, they are often used as assistant dogs, search and rescue dogs, and law enforcement dogs.
Appearance: Their body is well balanced, short, and muscular with a deep chest, weighing between 55 and 75 pounds. The head has a broad skull with a long and straight muzzle. The eyes are medium large and brown. The ears are short and falling close to the cheeks. The legs are broad and muscular and the tail is well set, thick and muscular at the base, and long with an upward curve. The coat is dense with a thick water-repellent undercoat and feathering on the legs, sides, ears, tail, and chest.
Colors: They come in gold color of various shades.
Gordon Setter
History: They originated in Scottland during the 17th century and were used for hunting. They are the heaviest of all the Setters.
Temperament: They are alert, confident, and devoted to their families. They can be a little on the stubborn side and often have problems with obedience. They need lots of exercise and lots of grooming.
Appearance: They are sturdy and muscular, weighing between 45 and 65 pounds. The head is deep and rather broad with a long and pointed muzzle. The eyes are big, oval, and brown. The ears are long, thin, and folded close to the head. The legs are strong, flat, and muscular and the tail is naturally short but not docked. The coat is soft, shiny, and flat or wavy with feathering on the ears, chest, side, legs, and tail.
Colors: They come in black with tan markings only.
Irish Red and White Setter
History: They originated in Ireland during the 17th century but were almost extinct 200 years later because of the rising popularity of the solid-colored Irish Setters.
Temperament: They are courageous, determined, and energetic with a kind and friendly attitude. They are great family dogs.
Appearance: Their body is strong and muscular with a deep chest. Weighing 50 to 60 pounds, they are as long as they are tall. The head is broad and similar to that of the Irish Setter. The muzzle is square. The eyes are dark hazel or brown. The ears hang close to the head. They have straight, well-boned, and strong legs. The tail is of moderate length and tapering. The coat is long, silky, and flat with feathering on the ears, legs, chest, and tail.
Color: They have a white base with solid red patches.
Irish Setter
History: They originated in Ireland during the 18th century. They are a crossbreed between a Water Spaniel and a Terrier and they were used as hunting dogs.
Temperament: They have high energy and need lots of exercise. They are very outgoing and have a clown-like personality. Their coat needs lots of grooming.
Appearance: Their body is long and elegant with a deep chest. They can weigh between 60 and 70 pounds. Their head is long and lean with moderately deep jaws. The eyes are almond-shaped, mid-size, and dark brown. The ears are thin, long, and hang close to the head. The legs are sturdy with plenty of bone. The tail is strong at the base and tapering. The coat is short and fine on the head and forelegs. The rest is long and fine.
Colors: They come in mahogany or rich chestnut red.
Irish Water Spaniel
History: They are a very old breed, originating during the 7th and 8th century in Ireland. They were used as hunting dogs.
Temperament: They are active, energetic, and like to please. They are easy to train and need lots of exercise. Because of their unique coat which is hypoallergenic, they make an excellent pet for people with allergies.
Appearance: Their body is of medium length and muscular with a deep chest. They weigh between 45 and 65 pounds. Their head is large and high with a long and deep muzzle. The eyes are small, almond-shaped, and medium brown or amber in color. The ears are long and hanging close to the head. The legs are strong and powerful. Their tail is strong, of medium length, and tapered. The first inch starting with the base is covered with curly hair and the rest has flat hair. People often refer to it as a "Rat Tail". The coat has dense, tight curls all over the body. On top of the head they have long curls which is called a topknot.
Color: The come in rich dark liver color.
Labrador Retriever
History: The Labrador Retriever derived from the Newfoundland breed. They worked with fishermen and retrieved fish that fell out of the nets.
Temperament: They have an even temperament and are highly trainable. They are also eager to please, gentle, and intelligent. Besides being great family dogs, they are often used as guide dogs.
Appearance: Their body has a strong and athletic build. They weigh between 60 and 80 pounds, are medium size, and well-balanced. Their head is wide and wedge-shaped with a proportionate muzzle. The eyes are medium size and friendly. The ears are medium size, short, and close to the head. Their legs are muscular, strong, and straight. The tail is long, round, and straight. The coat is short and straight with a very dense undercoat.
Colors: They come in black, yellow, and chocolate.
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
History: Their history is actually unknown. It is believed that they are a crossbreed between a Setter and a Retriever that appeared first in Nova Scotia.
Temperament: They are highly intense, alert, and outgoing. They love having jobs or they get bored easily. They are affectionate and very good with kids.
Appearance: They are a medium-size, powerful, and compact breed that is slightly longer than tall. The head is a slight wedge with a broad skull and a cleanly tapered muzzle. The eyes are almond-shaped and match the color of the coat. The ears are high set, triangular, and short. They are carried in a drop-fashion. The legs are muscular and strong and the tail is long, slightly sloped and feathered.
Colors: They can be any shade of red and can have small white markings.
History: They originated in 1650 in England and were a crossbreed between a Spaniel and a Fox, Grey, or Blood Hound. They were used during the hunt to point out the game.
Temperament: They have lots of stamina and courage, are alert and even-tempered, and need lots of physical and mental stimmulation. Their coat is easy to maintain.
Appearance: Their body is compact, agile, and muscular. They weigh between 55 and 75 pounds. The head has medium width and is as wide as long with a long rather than wide muzzle. The eyes are round, intense, and dark. The ears are pointy at the tip, close to the head, and hanging below the lower jaw. The legs are straight, muscular, long, and powerful. The tail is of medium size and tapered but not docked. The coat is short, dense, and smooth with a sheen.
Colors: They come in solid colors such as liver, lemon, orange, and black, or any combination of markings.
Spinone Italiano
History: This is a crossbreed between a White Mastiff and a Setter, left in Italy by Greek traders and is now used for hunting and retrieving.
Temperament: They are active and energetic but are a little on the cautious side. They need lots of socializing and training.
Apperarance: Their body is muscular and robust with powerful bones. They are as long as they are high. The head is long and oval with a square muzzle that is as long as the skull. The eyes are large, round, and yellowish brown. The ears are triangular, long, and hanging low. The legs are long, muscular, and powerful. The tail is straight and docked at 5 to 8 inches. Their very thick and weather-proof skin holds a dense, stiff, and flat coat. There is no undercoat but brush-like hair on the legs. The eyes and lips are framed by stiff hair, and they have a tufted beard that drips water all over every time they take a drink.
Colors: They are solid white and white with orange or brown markings.
Sussex Spaniel
History: They originated in Sussex, England during the 18th century and were used as field dogs.
Temperament: They are friendly, cheerful, and good with children and other dogs. They need lots of grooming.
Appearance: Their body is muscular, low, and long with a round chest. They can weigh between 35 and 45 pounds. Their head is moderately long with an indentation in the middle of the forehead. The muzzle is 3 inches long, broad, and square. The eyes are large, a little soft and languishing, and hazel in color. The ears are large and thick. They have short, strong, and muscular legs with heavy bones. The tail is docked. Their coat is thick and either flat or wavy and has a tendency to curl. They have lots of feathering on the legs, chest, ears, and tail.
Colors: They come in a rich golden liver color only.
History: The Vizla originated during the 10th century in Hungary. They were the companions of the Magyar hordes and assisted in the hunt.
Temperament: Vizlas make great family dogs. They are lively and affectionate, need lots of activities to engage in, and are highly trainable.
Appearance: Their body is of medium size, strong, and muscular with a broad and deep chest. They are slightly longer than tall. The head is lean and muscular with a square, deep muzzle that is slightly shorter than the skull. The eyes are medium size and the same color as the coat. The ears are thin, silky, rounded at the tip, long, and hanging close to the cheeks. They have long, straight, and muscular legs. The tail is docked at 1/3 of the length and straight. Their dense, short, and smooth coat lies close to the skin and there is no undercoat.
Colors: They come in a golden rust color.
History: This is a crossbreed between a Pointer and a Bloodhound, originated in Germany. They used to hunt wolves, bears, and deer. Nowadays they are used for hunting birds.
Temperament: They are fast, fearless, and have lots of endurance. They are very friendly and love kids. They are also highly trainable and very obedient.
Appearance: They are of medium size, strong and muscular. Their back is slightly sloping. The head is moderately long and aristocratic with a long and square muzzle. The eyes are almond-shaped and amber, grey, or blue. The ears are of medium length and lobular. The legs are straight, strong, and muscular and the tail is docked at 6 inches. The coat is short, smooth, sleek, and of solid color.
Colors: They come in mouse gray to silver gray only.
Welsh Springer Spaniel
History: They originated during the Renaissance period. English nobility used them to chase game into nets.
Temperament: They are an active and loyal breed with an even disposition. They prefer to be with people and get very attached to their owners. They are athletic and need lots of exercise but can be a little stubborn and need to be trained early. The coat needs lots of grooming.
Appearance: They have a compact and muscular body and they are as long as tall. The head is of medium length and slightly domed with a distinctive break. The muzzle is medium size, not too broad and not too narrow. The eyes are medium size, oval, and dark brown. The ears are close to the cheeks, small, and gradually narrowing towards the tip. The legs are medium length, straight, muscular, and well-boned. The tail is straight and docked. The coat is straight, flat, soft, and water proof with feathering on legs, chest, sides, and ears.
Colors: They come in a rich red and white.
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon
History: They originated in Holland and were used for hunting in different terrains. Other than that, they are a not well known breed.
Temperament: They are easy to train and devoted to their families. They are friendly and graceful. Although they need lots of exercise, they love to be house dogs and like to get involved in everything that is going on in the house.
Appearance: They are a medium size breed that is slightly longer than tall. Their body is strong and firm with a deep chest. The head is of medium width, slightly rounded and has a square muzzle. The eyes are large, round, and yellow to brown in color. The ears are medium size and lying flat and close to the head. The legs are long and muscular. The tail is straight and docked at 1/3 of its lenght. The coat is medium length, straight, and wiry with an undercoat much like fine, thick down. They have a mustache, eye brows, and a long beard.
Colors: They come in steel-gray with brown markings.
And this concludes the Sporting Group. In the next blog I would like to tell you all about the different breeds of the Hound Group. So stay tunned my friends!
Love and Peace,
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