Hello my friends, I have a very special surprise for you, an interview with the very beautiful Lara.
Tiny: Hello pretty lady! What is your breed?
Lara: Hello Tiny. My name is Lara and my breed is Borzoi. However, I have been referred to as a "Russian Wolfhound".
Tiny: A Russian Wolfhound, that is very exciting. Can you tell us more about this breed?
Lara: Gladly. The Borzoi are a sight hound, which means we hunt by sight rather than scent. We have this in common with other sight hounds like the Greyhounds, Salaukis, Afghan Hounds, Irish Wolf Hounds, etc. My breed dates back as far as the 12th century when Europe was overrun by wolfs. More recently we were kept by the Russian Czars and nobility prior to the revolution. It was common back then for these nobility to go on great hunts together. Because we can run faster than horses, it was the role of us Borzoi to go out in packs ahead of the hunt to catch the wolf and hold it down until the Hunt Master caught up.
On occasion some of my breed would be gifted out to nobility in other countries w
ho kept their own kennels. There are some very famous Borzoi kennels in Europe. It was because of this that my breed survived after the revolution because the Bolsheviks did not take too kindly to us because of our association with the nobility.

Tiny: Your breed has a very interesting history my dear Lara. What do you like to do for fun?
Lara: I enjoy going on walks and to the dog park. For the last two years I was also in the party scene of the Stapelton Ballet's Nutcracker. But mostly I love people and giving them love. That is why I am involved with the SHARE program.
Tiny: That sounds like a lot of fun. Can you tell me a little about the SHARE Program you are involved with?
Lara: The SHARE program is offered through the Marin Humane Society. SHARE stands for Special Human Animal Relations. Under that SHARE umbrella there are several services offered. The one I have been involved in for the past five years involves going to Assisted Living and Convalescent Centers and visiting residents there. Some of the other dogs go to oncology units and other area of acute care hospitals. I visit the Aldersly in San Rafael. I also visit the Redwoods in Mill Valley and Marin Convalescent in Tiburon with my cat pal Bocelli. We are really good pals and when Bocelli is sitting on a resident's lap I go up and lick his ears. This is guaranteed to bring smiles all around.
I am also trained in the SHARE A BOOK program. Dogs are used in this program to listen to children who have issues with reading while they read a book out loud. This helps build the children's confidence in reading, and it is fun to listen to their stories.
Tiny: That is a wonderful job you do there! And I am glad you have a cat pal just like I do. Tell me more about the felines you live with.
Lara: I share the house and my people with six felines. Some of them don't care that much for me. Prior to my arrival in the household my people were showing Balinese cats. Currently there are still four retired Bali's living with us. They are kind of older and not so playful anymore. So just over two years ago they adopted Bocelli a red-point, blue eyed rescue. He was in rescue with several dogs so had no problem with me and we became good friends from the start. Since the older cats were not too inclined to play with him, the people adopted another rescue, Bojangles. He is a green eyed white kitty. The rescue lady was afraid she wouldn't be able to find him a home because he is blind in one eye. But he gets around with no problems and is doing well here. He and Bocelli have great times romping through the house. He hasn't quite taken to me yet but I keep trying.
Tiny: Wow, that sounds like a wonderful household and you are a lovely lady. Thank you so much for the interview. It was very interesting and I am honored to have had you as my guest today.

Well my friends, that is what I love about my job, I get to talk to lovely ladies.
Be well! Until the next time. Yours truly,
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